Alexander the Great, was he a Hero or Villian? 

Classic: In this view he is viewed as a great hero. The people blamed the family for  his "love" for killing. They said he killed because he was good at it and had the better weapons. He could not help destroying armies with his advanced technology. He killed his friends because they "betrayed" him and he was so passionate this affected him greatly. The reason for him being drunk was because it was culture. They said he wanted to unite mankind by transcending national differences and come together as one. 

Modern: He is viewed as a cold blooded killer. He is compared to Hitler because of his Thebian holocaust, which was used for  "ethnic cleansing" and casual extermination. The times he killed were not just on the battlefield, he also killed while off the battlefield. He killed civilians, soldiers, and destroyed villages, he even killed his friends and family. Even though he created hellinistic culture his prior actions overshadow whatever good he did.

Group Stance: Our group takes the stance of both a classical and modern view of Alexander the Great. We believe that he takes on the "heroic" classical view, but yet at the same time he posses a cold-blooded dark side that gives him certain villainistic qualities of the modern view.

Individual Stances: 

Phoenix Odom- In my opinion Alexander was neither a hero nor a villain. He wanted something for himself, which is selfish, but the goal was for the greater good. He went to war killing millions regardless oof their occupation; however, he also was loved by many people. Alexander was a great example of balance, neither his nor his bad are more dominant.

Avery Babykin- I believe that Alexander the Great was a villain that was viewed as a hero. He killed when killing was not needed. When people saw him coming they jumped off buildings so they could die with their family and not be forced into slavery or murdered. That is the reaction people would have to a villain, not a hero. I also believe that if you could harm your friends you are the equivalent of a villain. He killed his friends, and even his family, on many occasions.  However, I do believe that to his people he was a hero. Just not if you were on any other side. 

Christopher Sloyer-  I personally believe that Alexander had all intention on doing the things he did for the for his people, but made some foolish and pointless errors on the way. His intent, to expand the Roman empire for the good of the empire was good, but as the saying goes, "You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs." Which is where the errors came in, such as the drinking, the mass executions, and him killing his friends and family. But besides these issues, where only a little smudge on the big picture. 

Alyssa Connor - In my most honest opinion, Alexander the Great was neither a hero or a villain, but a mixture of both. He wanted the best for his people, doing everything he possible could to achieve that, but he sought it out in a bloody way. He slaughtered entire populations as he conquered neighboring nations. When he was being merciful, he would either kill the men and sell the women and children or he would leave them under his rule with the penalty of heavy taxes. Although he did all these terrible things, he sent all the money to his people in Macedonia and paid his troops handsomely. 

 Alexander the Great - Encyclopedia Channel

The Greatest Heroes of History - Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great - Bography  

Alexander the Great - Brittanica Encyclopedia

Alexander the Great: his towns

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